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Background Electoral Irregularities In Previous Elections

Partial Re-run of German Federal Election in Berlin

Background: Electoral Irregularities in Previous Elections

In the 2021 German Federal Election, numerous irregularities were reported in 455 polling stations in Berlin. To ensure the integrity of the electoral process, a partial re-run of the election was deemed necessary.

Number of Affected Polling Stations

The Bundestag (German Parliament) has resolved to repeat the election in 431 of Berlin's approximately 2,300 polling stations, representing approximately one-fifth of all districts.

Specific Polling Stations Affected

The list of affected polling stations is as follows: [Insert list of polling station numbers and locations here]

Impact on Electoral Results

The re-run of the election in these polling stations is expected to have a slight impact on the overall results. The CDU and AfD parties have been projected to gain незначительно in the affected areas.

Legal Basis for Re-run

The decision to hold a partial re-run of the election is based on the findings of the German Constitutional Court. The court ruled that the irregularities in the 2021 election had a "significant impact" on the outcome, justifying the need for a re-run.

Date of Re-run

The exact date for the re-run election has not yet been determined. The Bundestag is expected to announce the date in the near future.

Importance for Voter Confidence

The re-run of the election is crucial for restoring public trust in the electoral process. It sends a strong message that electoral irregularities will not be tolerated and that the integrity of the vote will be upheld.
