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Jamaal Bowman Censured

House Censors Representative Bowman for Pulling Fire Alarm

US House Votes Largely Along Party Lines to Censure Democratic Congressman

Washington, D.C. - The Republican-led House on Thursday formally rebuked Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) by censuring him for pulling a fire alarm in an empty Capitol Hill office building on June 22nd.

Bowman Defends Actions, Cites Need for Attention to Climate Change

Bowman, who has been vocal about the need to address climate change, has defended his actions, saying he pulled the alarm to draw attention to the "urgency" of the issue. However, the House voted 219-213 to censure him, with all Democrats present voting against the measure.

Party-Line Vote Highlights Political Divide

The vote highlights the deep political divide in Congress over climate change and other issues. Republicans have generally opposed efforts to address climate change, while Democrats have made it a priority.

Censure a Rare Occurrence in House

Censure is a rare occurrence in the House, and it is typically reserved for serious misconduct. The last time the House censured a member was in 2010, when Republican Representative Charles Rangel was censured for ethics violations.
