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North Korea Unveils State Sanctioned Haircuts

North Korea Unveils State-Sanctioned Haircuts

Strict Rules for Men and Women

The world's enigmatic hermit state, North Korea, has implemented a new set of state-sanctioned haircuts for both men and women. According to The Telegraph, the government has released a guide outlining 28 approved hairstyles: 18 for females and 10 for males.

Regulations and Limitations

Authorities have cited "socialist lifestyle" and "revolutionary culture" as reasons behind the restrictions. The designated haircuts aim to curtail any signs of individuality and promote a uniform appearance among citizens.

Women's Hairstyles

Female citizens have a choice of 18 sanctioned hairstyles, which range from short bobs to bouffant updos. Notably, Western-influenced hairstyles like perms and highlights are not permitted.

Men's Hairstyles

Men, on the other hand, have a more limited selection of 10 haircuts, including buzz cuts, crew cuts, and side-swept styles. Hair length must not exceed two inches, and facial hair is strictly forbidden.

Implications and Reactions

The introduction of state-sanctioned haircuts has sparked mixed reactions among North Korean citizens. Some view it as a necessary measure to maintain societal order, while others see it as another form of government control over personal expression.


North Korea's rigid hair regulations serve as a stark reminder of the government's pervasive influence in all aspects of citizens' lives. By dictating even the most mundane details of appearance, the regime aims to reinforce a sense of conformity and stifle any potential for non-conformity.


